Scouting Update

Sadly we are going to have to suspend all section meetings and activities at North Richmond for the time being, due to current advice on Covid-19.

The Scout Association has advised today that all face-to-face Scouting activities should now be suspended.

Obviously, all of the group leaders here hope that everyone keeps safe and well over the coming weeks, and the safety of everyone involved in Scouts, both young and adult is in our minds at all times.

We have been preparing for this outcome for a little while, and although we can’t meet face-to-face there’s still some Scouting activities that we’re preparing for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to help with to go towards their badge work and to keep in contact while we can’t meet – and it will hopefully help if families face extended periods at home.

Obviously, the situation in the country is developing rapidly and we don’t know the timescales for when normal Scouting activities will be able to resume – but we’re still continuing to plan for the upcoming events in each of the sections so that when we be able to run them, then we will.

I think we all agree that it’s in challenging times like these, that our Scout values matter most. The Scout Association is talking to the Government and other community organisations to see how Scouts can support our country during this crisis. Obviously we must make sure that we do this in the safest possible way, and don’t put anyone at further risk.

On behalf of all of the group’s leaders and committee members, we hope everyone remains healthy and well over the coming weeks, and to see everyone back at HQ, and back in a tent on campsite as soon possible.

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