Behind the scenes with the Household Cavalry

A really excellent trip to Windsor in early October for the group, invited by the Household Cavalry to watch the changing of the guards at Windsor Castle, and then tour around their barracks and stables afterwards.

Coincidently the soldier who showed us around used to be a scout at 2nd Teddington in the 90s, and his father was group scout leader and an assistant district commissioner for Twickenham district!

May be an image of 9 people and the Tower of London

Richmond May Fair – Saturday May 13

Come and find us on Richmond green on Saturday, as the May Fair is back in Richmond – and we’ll be there with a giant tombola amongst all of the charity stalls. We’re stall #128 near where the paths cross at the back of the audience area for the stage. Look our for our North Richmond flags! (and hopefully it’ll be sunny!)

Korean Cooking Night

Cubs were busy cooking Korean food tonight: noodles and chocolate dipping sticks; all towards both their cooks badge and the special district Korea challenge badge for activities related to this year’s World Scout Jamboree in Korea

It is with great sadness we learn of the passing of our Patron, HM Queen Elizabeth II. Rest in Peace, your Majesty, from us and Scouts around the world.

Remembrance Sunday Parade

Well done for an amazing turn out from all sections the group for the Remembrance Sunday parade in Richmond today, and to all who helped spruce up our Remembrance painting on the old British Legion Building this week for another year.

After a year without a parade or service last year thanks to COVID, it was good to be able join again with other Scout Groups, youth services, cadets organisations, the police, Royal British Legion, Mayor and many from around Richmond – including some remaining old soldiers who used to meet in the Richmond British Legion – to remember for those who had given their lives at times of war for us, something we have always done as a group each year over many generations of leaders and young people.

Scout Camp

The Scouts were camping at Phasels Wood this weekend, which ends our run of five camps in four weekends. Exhausted, but very happy to get everyone in the group outside and camping again this term!