We had a fantastic turn-out from the group on Remembrance Sunday for Richmond’s Remembrance Parade and service with 70 from the group attending alongside the Royal British legion, other Richmond organisations and more Scout and youth groups.
Indoor Campfire Night
The cubs enjoyed a night of singing traditional camp fire songs with our indoor camp fire

Beaver Sleepover!
Scouts Autumn Camp at Walton Firs
What do you get if you cross some Scouts, a very rainy weekend and an assault course?
Time for a sign update at the hut!

Time for a sign update at the hut!
Fire safety night for the Cubs
And a visit from Richmond Fire Brigade. The Cubs are now prepared for putting out fires on camp at the weekend! (And a few cars in the car park got a free wash!)

Beaver Fun Day

Autumn Term begins!

Games over the Old Deer Park with the Cubs for our first night back after the summer, and a sign that Autumn is here – and the next time we go out of HQ in the evening we’ll be needing torches!
Autumn Term time!
We hope you all enjoyed the summer holidays! Just a reminder that we start back again for our Autumn term from the 10th September – with Cubs, Beavers and Scouts all starting that week.

Group BBQ
Our first group summer Barbecue, getting everyone together for some food and games on Saturday at HQ, and over the Old Deer Park.