Congratulations to everyone who won and who were runners-up in this year’s Beaver, Cub and Scout of the year awards given out at our annual open evening and AGM, and also to the first recipients of the ‘Baker Cups’ trophies given out for the most improved Beaver, Cub and Scout which will now be given out each year, of course named in memory of ‘Chief’ Barry Baker who led and gave such a huge amount of his time to keep North Richmond running for well over 50 years, and who had been part of the group all of his life since he was a Scout himself.
Category Archives: Scouts
Scouts Autumn Camp at Walton Firs
What do you get if you cross some Scouts, a very rainy weekend and an assault course?
Thames Rowing
The scouts enjoyed a wonderful sunny evening rowing on the Thames with 14th Richmond Viking Boating Club.

Family Camp
Some photos of the Groups 35th annual family camp, at Walton Firs last weekend, with 3 days of uninterrupted sunshine!
Scouts Pioneering Skills
The scouts had an opportunity to show off their square lashing and knot tying skills by building a table. The results speak for themselves!

Time to go camping!
It’s been a little break between camping weekends for the Scouts, but we’re catching-up on nights away this Summer! Below are the before and after photos of the camping gear for this weekend’s water activities camp at Thames Young Mariners. The Scouts will also soon be off to our group Family camp in a couple of weeks, and then the Borough camp the following weekend – then there’s a full patrol camping weekend in October.
Race for Life

Merry Christmas
The Cubs enjoyed their Christmas party this week, with games, Pizzas and the Christmas Crackers! (and so did the Beavers and Scouts on their last nights of 2018 too). All of the sections are back in the new year. Cubs are Back Jan 8th, Beavers Jan 9th and Scouts on Jan 11th and – Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Scouts Meeting on Thursday
This is just a reminder that Scouts are meeting on THURSDAY this week (5 June), because Chief is engaged overseeing the water activity weekend which starts on Friday afternoon/evening.
Things are back to normal next week.