Time for a sign update at the hut!
Time for a sign update at the hut!
Our first group summer Barbecue, getting everyone together for some food and games on Saturday at HQ, and over the Old Deer Park.
Some photos of the Groups 35th annual family camp, at Walton Firs last weekend, with 3 days of uninterrupted sunshine!
We had a great day at Richmond May Fair last Saturday, raising money for the Group
A few dates for the diary….
SCOUTS – this coming Friday, 12 December, is the last meeting this year. Chief will provide celebratory pizza. Casual clothes to be worn – no uniform. Scouts will return on 9 January 2015.
CUBS – the last Cubs meeting of the year is next Tuesday, 16 December. As with the Scouts, Chief will provide pizza and it’s to be a casual clothes evening. Cubs are back on 13 January 2015.
BEAVERS – the last meeting of the year is next Wednesday, 17 December (exact details to be confirmed). Beavers are back on 14 January 2015.
Don’t forget that Cubs start back again on Tuesday 9 September; with Beavers and Scouts starting back on Wednesday 10 September and Friday 12 September respectively.
Just a quick reminder that Cubs start back after the Easter break tomorrow, 22nd April. Beavers are back on the 23rd and Scouts on 25th. Hope you all had a restful break!!!
Don’t forget – there are no Scouts, Cubs or Beaver meetings this week because it’s half-term.
See you next week!
With memories of the Christmas and New Year holidays rapidly fading, and New Year Resolutions one-by-one packing their bags and heading out of the door (well, for some of us!), it’s time to get some dates in the diary for the next few months or so. Further details will follow in respect of all these events.
All the very best for the New Year.