Amazing effort by Scouts and Young Leaders on the site of the derelict British Legion building beside our Scout hut.
Poppies were made from ends of plastic bottles, paint obtained by donation of premixed returns from local hardware shop.
Huge thanks to all involved especially our Quartermaster Sara and GSL Alex who gave so much time and effort to make this happen.

Every poppy makes a difference to the lives of our Armed Forces community.
Like so many things this year, the Poppy Appeal has had to adapt to the threat of Covid-19. We’re calling on the public to support us like never before, because every poppy counts.
As millions of people across the UK are now unable to leave their homes to find a poppy, and with collectors unable to carry out face to face collections, the British Legion unveiled a range of new ways for people to show their support remotely.
From donating for poppies through the post for your neighbours and local community, displaying a poppy in your window, donating online or undertaking a virtual Poppy run, there are many ways to support the Poppy Appeal from home in line with Covid-19 restrictions.