Beavers made their return to face-to-face scouting tonight. Games, silliness and songs, all socially distanced. 💙
Category Archives: Beavers
Outdoor, in-person meetings!
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will all be meeting outdoors and in-person this week.
Despite the recent change to social gathering restrictions in England (aka the Rule of Six) the government has confirmed that as an essential service, youth sector activity can continue unchanged where groups and units follow Scouts restart guidance, which is in line with COVID secure National Youth Agency (NYA) guidance standards.
Please check your emails for all the information, including where to meet.
Make sure that you have completed the online permission form, without it we can’t allow your child to participate.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your section leaders.

Welcome back everyone!
We’ll be back at Beavers, Cubs and Scouts this week – parents please check your emails for all of the info!
The first week back will be a Zoom meeting for each section, but then we’re very happy to say after that we will be able to meet in person again!
Beavers starts this Wednesday at 6pm; Cubs on Tuesday as 6.30pm; Scouts on Friday at 7pm.
It will be great to see everyone soon, actually in person (but at a safe distance), after so long!

Family Camp 2020
This weekend is our 36th annual Family camp – it’s a little different this year as we’re all camping at home, but our families still all together enjoying the ‘friendly’ competition! After setting up their camps, you might spot them around Richmond this afternoon taking photos for our photo hunt challenge!
A Tiger visits the Beavers!
We had a some guests to our Beavers Colony tonight, Andy the keeper with a Ratner the Tiger from Shepreth Wildlife Park – who told the Beavers all about Tigers!

More Camping at Home and Online Camp Fire
Congratulations to all of our Scouts, Cubs and Beavers who have been taking part in #CampAtHome this month, including all of those who took part last night in the world record night of camping with over 84,000 others from across the world.
We also held an online camp fire last night for all of our group that were camping at home, over 40 of them – and gave them a chance to look around each others tents and dens.
A great achievement from all, and lots of nights away earned in the group!

Still Camping (at home)!
We’ve had loads of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Camping at home this week, joining over 40,000 others who have been doing some #VirtualCamping this month. There’s still time to take part, and join in with the world record this Thursday, which a number of our members are planning to do. More info here:

St George’s Day
Yesterday, as we can’t get together, the Leaders, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers from the group celebrated St George’s day by wearing their uniforms while our on their daily exercise, at the clap for carers and then renewed their Scout Promise either at home with their family, or joining in online with the rest of Richmond Scout District
#CampAtHome – Virtual Camping at home activity
Cubs, Beavers and Scouts from North Richmond have taken up the challenge to do some virtual camping in April and earn some nights away badges.

What needs to be done?
– Pack a bag
– Build a den at home or pitch a tent in the garden
– Sleep in the shelter of choice (Must be under parental supervision if outside)
– Draw or make a virtual ‘campfire’ to show us (or even build a real one and take a photo if able to do so in the garden with parental supervision)
– Take part in a “Scouty activity” – your choice!
– Help with cooking a meal for the family

For every night, you’ll need to take some photos to show us what’s been done, and we can share them on our website and at some of the section nights after Easter those that have taken part can tell the rest of the section – and also share this on social media if you can:
Twitter: #CampAtHome and @NRichmondScouts
Instagram: #CampAtHome and @NorthRichmondScoutGroup
You can also register online, here: with Northumberland Scouts (who came up with this idea) to get a virtual certificate for taking part. And there’s also a world record attempt at the end of April to try and get as many people camping on April 30th as possible. It would be great to see a lot of North Richmond Beavers, Cubs and Scouts take part!
Back after Easter – Online!
We’ve been busy working out our new programme as we take North Richmond Scouts online for next term as we can’t meet in person!
There’s going to be full programme of weekly meetings planned after the Easter Holidays, for what will be our regular Zoom meetings each week for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Beaver and Cub parents should also look out for a package in the post, with some vital items over Easter!
Our first nights back after Easter will be:
Cubs – Tuesday 21st April
Beavers – Wednesday 22nd April
Scouts – Friday 24th April
Keep a look out for those Zoom invites for each weeks session parents!