Our Beavers take part in lots of activities that go towards various “activity” and “challenge” badges, which they then get awarded to put on their uniform. There’s a big variety of badges for Beavers to try to complete while they are in the colony.
This is what they should look like!
Activity Badges
Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Beaver Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.
Staged Activity Badges
Staged Activity Badges are available to young people from Beavers to Explorers, and cover a range of topics and skills. The stages have increasing levels of difficulty, and a Beaver can begin at whichever stage offers them an appropriate level of challenge.
Challenge Awards
Achieving a Challenge Award involves completing a number of tasks within the Colony or community. These Awards support the main themes of the Programme; outdoor and adventure; world and skills. Beavers take part in a range of activities to develop their skills and understanding in each of the challenge areas, and we try and complete one of these each term.
You can find out more information about the badges on the Scouts Website, here: scouts.org.uk